2nd Term Newsletter




Dear Parents,



Greetings to you and your family. The entire management of Dominican Nursery and Primary School appreciates your patronage and cooperation towards the success of this term and also all efforts in working with the school to achieve this term’s goals. May the good Lord grant your heart’s desires and bless you abundantly.

We continue to appreciate and thank God for you for entrusting your child’s/ward’s wholesome development to us as we remain partners committed to human development. We also acknowledge the unwavering commitment demonstrated by our staff over the years and remain thankful for their burning desire to work tirelessly towards achieving the mission and vision of the school.


TRAINING: The Teaching staff of Dominican Nursery and Primary School had training at the beginning of the term on how to be the best in their field which reflected in their teaching methodology this term.

VALENTINE DAY: St Valentine’s celebration was held on the 12th of February, 2021. The pupils were given a talk on the life of St. Valentine. The pupils, staff and the entire management also exchanged gifts to show love and charity to one another.

ASH WEDNESDAY: On 17th of February, 2021, Ash Wednesday was celebrated worldwide to mark the beginning of Lent. The pupils, staff and management attended Holy Mass and were taught the significance of the ash crested on their foreheads.

BASIC SIX (6) MOCK EXAMINATION: The Basic Six pupils sat for the All-Catholic Schools Mock Examination on the 16th of March, 2021 which comprises of all catholic schools in Lagos Archdiocese to assist them prepare for their external examinations.

LENTEN CHARITY COLLECTION: Lenten charity collection involves giving to the less privileged as part of our Lenten duties which includes fasting, praying and almsgiving. On the 19th of March, 2021, the school had its Lenten charity collection while on the 24th of March 2021; the pupils paid a visit to “THE MISSIONARY SISTERS OF CHARITY ORPHANAGE, KETU”. This is to encourage children to imbibe the act of giving no matter how little they have.

WORLD BOOK DAY: – World Book Day is usually celebrated on the 5th of March 2021. The school deemed it fit to celebrate it elaborately. On the 26th of March, 2021, the pupils had a story telling and vocal book reading so as to inculcate the habit of reading. Thereafter, they were given a book each to mark the celebration. That day had in attendance external visitors, publishers and book fare which encourage the habit of reading in children.

SCHOOL WEBSITE & E-RESULT: – The activities of the school can be monitored by logging on to the website; dominicannurprymafoluku.org. The result will be available there too. Every child would have a registration number linked to him/her and will be given a pin to access the school result portal. That pin will be issued once so we urge all parents to safely keep the pin knowing it will not be issued again.

PTF ONLINE MEETING: – The Parent Teacher Forum for the term was held on the 6th of March, 2021. The PTF was held virtually for the first time in respect to the Lagos State directive on social gathering and some of the cogent issues discussed were: Payment of School fees, Change of Uniform, Change of 2nd term event, PTF account breakdown, School portal, CCTV installation etc. It was an interactive meeting.

LATENESS: We must appreciate our parents who made sure that their children/wards are always in school on time. We still remind parents that assembly time is 7:30 am and the pupils must be in school before 7.30am to enable them participate effectively in the activities of the school.

IMPROVEMENTS: Over the term, we recorded few improvements outlined:

       Installation of CCTV in all classes

       A display TV


The school deems it fit to appreciate all our parents who supported our maiden edition of the SCHOOL CALENDAR despite the economic situation in the country. God bless you all.

The Dominican School Community appreciates the hard work of our staff and ever supportive parents for volunteering to partner with the school for the common good of our children.

May God bless all our good efforts as we build the future of our country and the world at large through these young ones. Amen!